Case Study:

Clients in the spotlight

Determining customer needs by client survey

CMS Hasche Sigle has got more than 600 lawyers and tax advisers in Germany and is one of the leading law firms in the field of commercial law.

Initial Situation

Against the background of their strategic positioning and the even better fulfillment of their brand promise “Your world first”, that puts the focus on the client, CMS wants to know more about the outside perception of the firm. The voice of the client is at the center of interest, particularly for a deeper understanding of customer needs and possible starting points for further optimization of the consulting and service quality.


Schoen + Company was commissioned to conduct a survey in the form of on-site personal interviews with the client. In addition to the quantitative-statistical evaluation by a structured questionnaire, the survey is primarily intended to also give room for the individual voice of the clients and their qualitative responses.

»The client survey was a worthwhile investment in a better understanding of current challenges and needs of our clients. The results help us to meet the requirements of our brand promise 'Your World First' even better.«
Dr. Hubertus Kolster, Managing Partner

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